Any students requiring accommodations for housing or dietary needs should complete the Accommodations Request Packet and email completed packet to Academic Success and Accessibility at The Accommodations Committee reviews all requests and meets monthly, generally on the last Friday of the month. Completed requests should be received no later than one week before the Accommodations Committee meetings. Incoming students (first-year or transfer) can contact Academic Success and Accessibility as soon as you deposit with the University of Redlands for the upcoming semester. You can contact our office with any questions at
*Please note that a personal statement is a required part of this request packet. (See step 4 of the process on the first page of the packet.)* Please see the Personal Statement guide for personal statement recommendations.
Dietary Accommodations
If you are seeking dietary accommodations, a conversation or meeting with our foodservice group, Harvest Table, is also required. The contact for this is Andrew Coyle, Health and Wellbeing Manager. Andrew can be reached at For more information regarding food allergies for college students, check out
ESA Accommodations
In addition, your housing accommodation concerns may include Emotional Support Animals (ESA). ESAs are animals that provide emotional support which alleviates one or more identified symptoms or effects of an individual’s disability. An ESA must be recommended by a qualified professional for a student to be permitted to have the ESA stay in the student’s University residence. An ESA is not a Service Animal and is not trained to do specific tasks. Dangerous, poisonous, illegal, and any other animals that pose a direct threat to the health or safety of individuals in the campus community will not be permitted as an ESA. ESAs must be bark (if a dog) and potty trained and cannot be puppies or kittens (less than one year old). Please review the following documents about the ESA process:
- ESA Process Checklist
- ESA Policy *Please note that a personal statement is a required part of the approval process. (See top of page 2.)*
- Completed requests are due no later than: December 1st for Spring semester and August 10th for Fall semester.
Completed requests include the following:
- ESA Request for Information completed by your mental health provider.
- A personal statement (see ESA Policy, pg. 2); also see ESA Process Checklist (#3) for information to include in the personal statement.
- Proof of current, up-to-date vaccination records.
- Proof of spay/neuter records.
- Photo of animal.
- If your roommate is assigned, written approval from your roommate that they are okay living with an ESA.
Once the completed request is received by and approved by the Accommodations Committee, student will meet in person with our office to complete the necessary ESA paperwork.
Members of the Accommodations Committee include:
- Director of Academic Success and Accessibility
- Dean of Student Affairs
- Director, Counseling Center
- Faculty Member